Terms & Conditions

The Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) below apply to all coaching packages provided by Ellie Nova (referred to as ‘the coach’ or ‘I’ in this document), to any individual (referred to as ‘the client’ or ‘you’ in this document).  These T&Cs constitute the contract for the service between Ellie Nova and the client. If you sign up to any of our services, you will receive a coaching agreement with terms and conditions to agree to and sign before we proceed with our coaching together.

The term ‘coaching’ covers Sobriety and Wellbeing Coaching for clients, provided under the relevant coaching package the client purchases. 


The client understands that Ellie Nova does not provide ‘recovery’ or ‘rehabilitation’ services. None of the packages provided by the coach are appropriate for individuals that are physically dependent on alcohol. Coaching is not counseling or therapy, and is not a substitute for professional mental health care or medical care.

All coaching services and communication, email or otherwise, delivered by Ellie Nova, are meant to guide and support you. It is your responsibility to take action on anything we discuss to ensure your own personal growth. Any actions you take and consequences in relation to coaching sessions are the client’s choice and responsibility alone. You will not hold me liable for any loss or financial cost incurred by you in the event of mental, physical or emotional stress caused directly or indirectly in relation to your coaching series.

Results from the program may vary according to individual efforts and/or other factors beyond the control or expertise of the creator. The contents of this site, such as text, graphics, email communication, images, videos, audios and other material contained are for information purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional nutrition, fitness or medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a health or medical condition. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have seen, heard or watched on this site. If you think you have an emergency, call the emergency services immediately.

The information and advice from this website and Ellie Nova coaching services are provided for educational purposes and general reference only; and are not intended to be a substitute for medical, fitness or dietary advice or counseling. It is recommended that you consult your own doctor and/or mental health professional about your own physical and mental health before beginning accessing resources available on this site, or beginning a coaching programme.

In committing to sobriety and wellbeing coaching with Ellie Nova you acknowledge the following:

  • You understand that your coach is not acting as a mental health counselor or a medical professional.  The coaching services you will be receiving from your coach are not offered as a substitute for professional mental health care or medical care and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any mental health or medical condition.

  • You understand that coaching is not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, substance abuse treatment or mental health care; and you will not use it in place of any form of therapy.

  • You understand that coaching is currently an unregulated industry and that your coach is not licensed or regulated by any UK government body even though the sessions take place either in person in the UK or virtually.

  • You understand and agree that you are fully responsible for your well-being during your coaching sessions and afterwards, including your choices and decisions.

  • You understand that results are not guaranteed.

  • You understand that all guidance offered by your coach is for the purpose of aiding you in achieving the goals as agreed within your sessions.

  • You declare that you, the client, are not medically dependent on alcohol.

  • Although sobriety is not essential to participate in coaching sessions with Ellie Nova, you will not attend coaching sessions under the influence of alcohol or any other substances.

Payment and refunds

Please refer to the webpage for each individual offering for the cost of the coaching session or series. Payment and refund information will also be confirmed and agreed upon between the coach and client in writing before the session or series commences.

One-off sessions and 30 day coaching programmes must be paid in full before any coaching sessions take place. The client will receive an invoice before the one-off or first session of the coaching series takes place. 

For coaching packages lasting more than 30 days, payment must be made in full in advance or on a monthly basis agreed upon by the coach and client. One month’s coaching must be paid in full before session one commences.

All coaching packages are non-refundable, unless in exceptional circumstances and will be made at the discretion of the coach.

Ending of coaching mid-package

I, Ellie Nova, reserve the right to refuse a client for coaching sessions if I judge that it is inappropriate for me to work with the client. This may be due to but not limited to: the client presenting signs of being physically dependent on alcohol; the client experiencing severe active trauma and/or significant mental illness; the client exhibiting behavior that is putting their own life or other’s lives in danger. Terminating our coaching together will be in the best interests of the coach and client, and the client will be directed to other appropriate support services. In such circumstances:

  • If no payment has been made (i.e. only email or telephone contact or a free discovery call has taken place) I will refer client to other services that I judge will provide the support the client needs, and not take our coaching programme any further

  • If payment has been made and a coaching series has begun, I will refund the client the remainder of the coaching series sessions, minus 10% administration costs.

If Ellie Nova needs to end a client coaching series due to exceptional circumstances such as long-term illness or bereavement, the remainder of the coaching series will be refunded to the client. The client will be directed to other support services and/or coaches who can continue to support the client.

Should the client need to terminate coaching prior to completion of the package, any refunds will be at the discretion of the coach.


I understand that sometimes things do arise and you may need to reschedule or cancel your session. If you need to reschedule, please give me at least 24 hours’ notice. I will do the same if I need to reschedule our session.

Please note that we will go ahead with our session even if you have not been able to complete or make progress with your actions. It is just as important, if not more so, that we have a session to check in, see where you are and if anything needs to be adjusted to help you reach your goals.

Sessions will take place at an agreed time on an agreed day via Zoom (unless discussed otherwise) I will send a link to our session in advance. Please arrive promptly to our sessions and give me plenty of notice if you are running late. Make sure you are in a comfortable area where you can speak freely and won’t be interrupted. Please ensure you give yourself the time and space before and after sessions for grounding and integration to ensure maximum impact. You will require a stable internet connection to get maximum benefits from our sessions.


Everything discussed between the coach and client remains fully confidential and will be kept private. I keep and dispose of client records in accordance with appropriate privacy laws.


Please contact the coach with any questions about these terms and conditions to hello@ellie-nova.com