About me

If I could sum up my approach to sobriety in a sentence it would be this: meeting pain with love.

Maybe you drink when you’re stressed or tired. Maybe you drink when you’re feeling sadness or grief. Maybe you drink when you’re angry. Or maybe it just seems like a habit and you aren’t sure why you keep reaching for the wine bottle at 6pm. (I relate to all of these!)

What if, instead of drinking every time you felt a difficult feeling, you did something loving for yourself?

If you choose to work with me, together we’ll create a sober toolkit of practices and actions you can turn to instead of drinking. When you listen to yourself and uncover what you actually need in that moment, and choose to meet that need, you are choosing fierce self-compassion. You’re making a promise to yourself and saying, whole-heartedly: ‘I matter.’

This is, in a nutshell, how I got sober and how I take care of myself every day. I am completely free from the desire to drink.

Every time I feel any kind of emotional pain, I choose to be loving to myself. I ask: what do I need right now? What is the loving thing to do? And I do that.

I’d love to find out more about you.

Choosing a sober coach

When deciding on a sober coach to work with, it’s so important that you choose someone with the right experience and training, someone you click with, and someone you trust. You can find more guidance from The Sober Club, and from Alcohol Change UK.

It’s important to note that I am not a recovery or rehabilitation coach and I am not able to work with people who are physically dependent on alcohol. Before working together, you’ll fill out a questionnaire and we’ll have a discovery call to make sure I’m the right person to support you.

A bit more about me:

  • I’ve been free from alcohol since December 2019

  • I’m a Sober Club Accredited Coach

  • I’m a peer support mentor for Sober Mom Squad

  • I trained as a life coach with Beautiful You Coaching Academy (a course accredited by the International Coaching Federation)

  • I’m a member of The Sober Club 360 coaching community to ensure I continue my learning and development as a sobriety coach

  • I abide by The Sober Code ethics

  • I’m fully insured

I am deeply committed to my own personal development and practices so that I can be the best coach I can be to you. I have taken courses in mindful self-compassion, Focusing (a compassionate practice of coming into relationship with our inner world), non-violent communication (Level 1 Foundation) and matresence (the transformation we undergo in motherhood).

I look to the wisdom of teachers like Tara Brach, Kristen Neff and Byron Katie. I am deeply inspired by leaders in the sober world including Annie Grace, Holly Whitaker and Laura McKowen.

You can read more about me, my story and my approach on my Substack publication A Little Fantastic.

To see if we’re a good fit, book a FREE 30 minute discovery call with me.

My coaching approach

It's important to be aware that sober coaching is not therapy or counselling.

Rather than focusing on the past, we’ll look at where you are now, where you want to get to and how you can get there. This is a partnership, where I will support you by holding space for you and helping you discover the right path for you to reach your sobriety goals.

I don’t believe that willpower, restriction, shame or guilt are helpful on this journey.

I do believe that curiosity, courage and making yourself the number one priority are essential to making sobriety stick.

I believe that all the answers you are searching for and all the power you need is already within you. My role is to help you connect to your own power, and guide you on this journey with fierce compassion. There is no judgement here.

I know what it’s like to feel trapped and powerless over alcohol.

And I know what awaits you on the other side: a life filled with hope, love and true presence.

You can get to a place where, rather than feeling deprived, you are completely free from your desire to drink. This means looking at what alcohol is actually doing to your body and mind, questioning beliefs you have formed around alcohol, and getting curious about how it’s really affecting you. 

This isn’t about giving up something great - this about breaking free from a substance that’s causing you harm, and stepping into the life you’ve always wanted. This is true freedom. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Are you ready?

Take a look at my offerings

Deep dive session

A powerful, one-off 90 minute session to explore where you’re at, where you want to get to and how to get there

30 day journey

4 x weekly calls, email support, personalised sober toolkit and resources to kick-start your sober life

Lasting change

A three or six month coaching container to support you to get serious about sobriety and transform you life