Lasting change

Three or six months of support to help you get serious about sobriety and transform your life

Are you ready to create the life you truly want?

This is where you truly show up for yourself. To make a commitment. To feel the long-term benefits of a sober life and set in motion everything you need to create lasting change. I will be your guide and your cheerleader all the way, holding you with compassion and providing accountability and support when you need it.

What you’ll receive:

Weekly or fortnightly Zoom calls (whichever you’d prefer)
Email and/or WhatsApp support during my working hours
A personalised, co-created sober toolkit
Resources, tips and inspiration to support you on your journey

Take back your power and transform your life

This is a journey for the brave. For the ones who are ready to finally break free from alcohol - forever.

This is a journey to take back your power. To reconnect with that beautiful light within you. Alcohol may have been dimming it these past few years, but it’s still there within you - ready to shine brighter than ever before.

This is a journey that goes far deeper than just removing alcohol from your life. This is a journey inward. A journey to discover you true self. To meet yourself with compassion, grace and forgiveness. To discover what your true wants and needs are. What really lights you up in life. What you really value.

As someone who has walked this path, I know what awaits you on the other side. A life of authenticity - where you get to be truly yourself and be here for your one precious, extraordinary life. I believe that everything that has happened to me, everything I have been through, everything I have carried - is the reason I am who I am today. The reason for the incredible life I have. The life I never dreamed of.

I would be so honoured to walk beside you on this journey.

Investment: starts from £540

The investment will depend on how long you’d like support for and how often you’d like to have Zoom calls. I can also offer ongoing support by email or WhatsApp after our coaching series has completed. Let’s have a chat about what you need - book a 30 minute discovery call with me below.


  • To decide whether this coaching programme is right for you, you can ask me as many questions as you want via email and on our free discovery call. Once you have committed to the coaching programme your investment is non-refundable except in exceptional circumstances. No refunds will be made for coaching sessions that have already taken place. Please read my terms and conditions (link at bottom of page) for more info.

  • Yes. You can pay in full or in monthly instalments which I will invoice you for.

  • We will agree upon a regular day and time for our Zoom calls for the duration of our time together.

    I understand life happens and you may need to reschedule a session. If so, please give me at least 24 hours notice and I will do the same.

  • In the season of motherhood I'm in, with my son still very young, it's not possible for me to see clients on evenings or weekends. I have availability Mon - Friday in term time, generally before 2pm. Please email me at to book your session.

  • I'd love to answer them! Either book a free discovery call with me or email me at