Deep Dive Session

A powerful, 90 minute coaching call for the sober curious. A chance to get clear on where you’re at, where you want to get to and how you’re going to get there.

What to expect

You might not be ready to commit to a coaching series. You might not be sure if you’re ready to remove alcohol from your life. That’s absolutely fine.

This process will help you to get clear and honest with yourself.

In our 90 minute session over Zoom, together we’ll:

  • 1. Explore your current relationship with alcohol and how you want to change it
    2. Get clear on what you really want in life
    3. Take a look at what’s holding you back from creating the life you really want
    4. Put together a practical plan for the next steps you want to take 

  • 5. After our session, I’ll send you over your plan, plus resources and ideas that will support you on your journey.

I hope you’ll feel inspired, optimistic about the future, and see a clear path to where you want to get to in your relationship with alcohol.

You can also book a call with me wherever you’re at in your sobriety journey for some inspiration and support, or just needing a space to feel heard and held.

Investment: £90

To book your session, or ask me any questions you have, please email me at You can also book a free 30 minute discovery call with me first.


  • Yes! This is the perfect container for you to explore what you REALLY want. No judgement from me. You're in the driver's seat and you get to decide what is best for you, because only you can know that.

  • Once you've paid, the session isn't refundable.

  • I understand that life happens, so if you need to reschedule, please try to give me 24 hours notice.

  • In the season of motherhood I'm in, with my son still very young, it's not possible for me to see clients on evenings or weekends. I have availability Mon - Friday in term time, generally before 2pm. Please email me at to book your session.