30 day journey

30 days of support including 4 x weekly Zoom calls, check-ins between sessions, plus resources and inspiration to kick-start your sober life!

If you’re ready to explore a longer period of sobriety and really feel the benefits, this is for you.

This is a chance to really get to know yourself. We’ll look at the triggers that make you want to drink, how to surf the urges, what your real wants and needs are, and uncover the beliefs you have about alcohol that are keeping you trapped. Together we’ll develop a sober toolkit for you that will be rich with resources, practices and other sources of support to keep you on track.

This could be alongside you doing Sober October or Dry January, or maybe you’ve had a period of sobriety and want some extra support for a focused period of time.

This isn’t just about getting free from alcohol. This is about really meeting yourself with curiosity and compassion - maybe for the first time. To begin to build a loving relationship with yourself. This is about creating tools and ways of being that will serve you for the rest of your life.

What will you discover in 30 days?

What you’ll receive:

  • 4 x 60 minute Zoom calls (one each week)

  • Email and/or WhatsApp support during my working hours

  • A personalised, co-created sober toolkit

  • Resources, tips and inspiration to support you on your journey

Investment: £300


  • To decide whether this coaching programme is right for you, you can ask me as many questions as you want via email and on our free discovery call. Once you're ready to go ahead, I'll send you an invoice that will need to be paid in full before we book our sessions. This will not be refundable except in exceptional circumstances. Please read my terms and conditions (link at bottom of page) for more info.

  • I understand life happens and you may need to reschedule a session. If so, please give me at least 24 hours notice and I will do the same.

  • In the season of motherhood I'm in, with my son still very young, it's not possible for me to see clients on evenings or weekends. I have availability Mon - Friday in term time, generally before 2pm. Please email me at hello@ellie-nova.com to book your session.

  • I'd love to answer them! Either book a free discovery call with me or email me at hello@ellie-nova.com