Find true freedom in a sober life


I work with people who know alcohol is no longer serving them and want to be completely free from the desire to drink. 

I know the courage it’s taken for you to look at your relationship with alcohol. I’d be so honoured to be your guide on this journey. To support you to really get to know yourself- maybe for the first time. To shine bright, feel fully alive and break free from alcohol for good.

I promise you it’s possible - I’ve done it.

Whatever you’re feeling right now - it’s all OK.

All of your feelings are welcome. All of you is welcome here.

Maybe you’ve tried to quit drinking before, or tried to cut down. You want to stop drinking alcohol but can’t seem to break free from it. It feels like it has a power over you. And you want your power back.

Alcohol has been robbing you of your joy, your energy and of the life you deserve. It’s time for things to change.

You don’t need to hide in the dark anymore. You are not broken, you are not trapped, and you are not alone

I’m here to help you rediscover that brilliant light in you that’s always been there. 

Ways we can work together

Deep dive session

A powerful, one-off 90 minute session to explore where you’re at, where you want to get to and how to get there

30 day journey

4 x weekly calls, email support, personalised sober toolkit and resources to kick-start your sober life

Lasting change

A three or six month coaching container to support you to get serious about sobriety and transform you life



I have been called to this work because I’ve been through it.

After years feeling trapped by alcohol, I finally broke free and have a life that’s better than anything I could have imagined. If you’re ready to begin your journey to true freedom, you’re in the right place.

Find out more about me, my training and my coaching approach.